Best Web Design SriLanka - Web design company in sri lanka


If you are looking for a secure and affordable web hosting company in website development sri lanka, team Sri lanka is here to help you. Our reliable web hosting service makes Sri lanka, the best place to host your business or personal website. We do everything for you from domain names, web design, web development, internet marketing services, email addresses and powerful web hosting services.

We are one among the leading domain and web hosting companies in website development sri lanka, providing secure domain registration and web hosting service to our clients at affordable rates. Web hosting companies are always competitive and we provide,

website development sri lanka We provide

  • Online domain name registration & management system
  • Reliable and secure hosting
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Powerful control panel

Designing a website is more than just mixing colors. There are plenty of things that we take into consideration to make your website look and work perfect.

  • Load Speed
  • Logical Structure
  • Quality Content
  • Modern Design

The first steps we take toward developing a high quality website for you is to sit down and talk with you. Our 15 years as the top website designing company in website development sri lanka taught us the importance of understanding your goals thoroughly.

1. Load Speed

If it does not load in 5 seconds it is rubbish!

Specially with devices like mobile phones and tablets, ensuring a fast loading of website is critical or you will loose visitors.

The load speed of your website depends on a host website development sri lanka of factors and we work them out meticulously.

2. Logical Structuring

Good structure = Better website

What we always keep in mind is the expected amount of users, website development sri lanka with how they will interact with the website.

By logically structuring the website, we ensure that your visitors do not have to put any effort to find a particular information about your business.

3. Quality Content

Content is king and quality content is essential

As web standards keep shifting, the content of your website demands better images and better texts.

We help your website maintain a high standard by regularly monitoring your website for quality content website development sri lanka. We guide you in areas where the content is not upto the mark or help you get better content.

4. Modern Designs

Old is NOT gold for web designs

With the advance of technology, devices and browsers keep updating themselves regularly.

Hence, it is essential that your website keeps up with the pace too.

We design and develop websites with cutting edge technology for a better user experience.

Let's make your website visible!

web development companies sri lanka After you've developed a high quality, responsive website, it is time to make it rank up in Google and other search engines.

That's when we as the Search Engine Marketeers in web development companies sri lanka can help!

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) = Search Engine Optimization (SEO) + Pay Per Click ads (PPC) + Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter) + Retargeting

We offer a complete package, from SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to PPC (Pay Per Click) ads for visibility of your website and ofcourse business.

1. Search Engine Optimization

Nice content is a good start, SEO does the rest

web development companies sri lanka We start by writing good content, then we optimize it by improving load times, writing compelling and useful title and alt tags, by making your website's code more efficient and stirring out all the small bugs.

Then, by analyzing your competition and reaching out to some of them we make sure you become part of this big system while playing a crucial role in establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. We actualize this vision by adopting link strategies, web development companies sri lanka writing powerful content and creating long-term focused mail campaigns.

2. Pay per Click Advertising

But, sometime you need instant business!

Best web design companies sri lanka While the results of SEO takes time to show up and depends on search engine algorithms, PPC is the instant rescue to getting business leads.

With over 6 years of experience we can say that we deeply understand the system of bidding based advertising prices like Google Adwords and Facebook Ads.

As such we can give you an headstart in the PPC race, by using each paisa to it's highest value.

3. Social Media Enhancement

Let's get the buzz going.

Best web design companies sri lanka Establishing a social media community around your page can be a challenging task, it might look daunting at times. You need to create compelling content that is easily usable while keeping a playful vibe.

To make sure you get the best out of your social media we help by creating engaging content that is meant to be talked about and shared.

4. Retargeting Visitors

Keep yourself visible to those interested in your business niche

Retargeting is the act of showing advertisements to either those web development companies in sri lanka that already visited your website or to those that are interested in websites similar to yours.

By implementing this simple strategy we easily and cheaply reach the people that already are interested in your business.

web development companies in sri lanka

The middle of the year is always a great time to think about a design change – a design change which can bring in new businesses or a change which people will appreciate. What more is best to change, than your website design? Your website is your virtual office, a place which can be visited by anyone, anywhere, any time.

With increasing competition everyday, your website design should not only be attractive but, also user-friendly and above all, it should be in tune with the new trends in web designing. Like fashion, web design also changes its trend quite often. The launch of new devices and retina screens web development companies in sri lanka has significantly changed the way websites were designed. Gone are the days when websites were considered only as an information medium as it is more of an interactive medium now.




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