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Technologies for e commerce web site design

The e-commerce application industry comprises of a variety of products and services including: hardware components (routers, firewalls, digital switches, servers, and workstations); and a variety of software products Web design company in sri lanka . The software development technologies are being constantly upgraded to meet numerous fast-growing e-commerce challenges. As an e-commerce application basically means web application development, it has to be a three-tiered application.

The first tier of an e-commerce application is the user interface layer, which is mainly handled by client-side technologies for creating interactive, flashy Web pages and form data validation, such as HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, etc. For the second-tier, there are Web containers and scripting engines. The corresponding server-side technologies are both scripting languages and programming languages Web design company in sri lanka . They are Microsoft's Active Server Pages, which can accommodate Visual Basic and PERL scripts. Also both Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) from Sun Microsystems Ltd. are becoming popular for server-side programming. The third-tier is the data layer, which comprises database management systems (DBMS) and data sources. There are a number of Database management systems available in the market like Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Sybase, etc. There are Web servers such as Apache, Microsoft IIS etc. and Web containers for deploying Java servlets and JSP components.

web design company sri lanka There are specific e-commerce solutions and tools being developed and marketed. One such innovative product is called application server. There are two types of application servers: the first type is not based on Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specification and the other one is J2EE-compliant. There are many companies developing Java-based application servers such as IBM's WebSphere, Borland's Inprise Application Server, BEA WebLogic, etc. Thus technologies and tools are being constantly brought out to facilitate companies and consumers to embrace the exciting and thrilling world of e-commerce and e-business. Finally the network elements (wireless, cable, and satellite networks, and Web-based telephony); and other transmission network services (the Internet and virtual private VANs) are necessary components.

Benefits of e commerce web development

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There are many benefits of e-commerce. An e-business can offer personalized service, high-quality customer service and improved supply chain management. E-commerce in a way is equivalent to automation and innovation of commercial activities. Automation brings a number of distinct advantages like lesser investment, freeing valuable labor from menial tasks, etc.

B2C applications are beneficial to existing retail stores and Web design company in sri lanka companies as this innovative application allows them to increase their customer base and hence their revenue. E-commerce helps them to reach entire demographics that they might not be able to reach in a physical or "bricks and mortar" store. A B2C application is highly beneficial for consumers as it gives them access to a world of stores instead of the stores in their neighborhood. A B2C application brings competitive trend giving consumers access to a wide variety of choices and lower prices. Some B2C web sites allow consumers to name their own prices for a variety of goods and services. Thus e-commerce brings forth such kinds of beneficial, consumers-oriented innovations.

B2C application allows companies to extend their existing services to consumers as well. Web design company in sri lanka B2C applications open up a new world for companies that are not well known to the outside world before.

A B2B application is extremely beneficial to businesses because of its potential to drastically reduce the cost. By making communication easier and faster, using new e-commerce technologies and standards, the inventory moves quickly, lowering overheads. Further, B2B applications help automate communication between companies. This, apart from streamlining the process, helps reduce the potential for errors and helps provide better goods and services.

web design company sri lanka B2B2C applications help B2C companies to raise profits. By leveraging the benefits of B2B applications to streamline and improve business, B2C companies have the ability to make more money by growing revenue and cutting unnecessary costs. Also a company that is successful in one area of e-commerce can capitalize on this success and knowledge gathered to other areas of their e-commerce plan.

C2C and C2B2C applications allow consumers to interact themselves. This helps businesses to have a fairly easy revenue stream. Also, consumers have access to an entirely new way of purchasing and selling goods and services.

We have served customers from UK, US, Sri lanka and other parts of globe for product based companies and offshore clients.

Our e-commerce web designers and web developers are committed to work with clients to design web sites and develop ecommerce solutions up to their expectations.

Request for proposal for Shopping cart/ online Ecommerce solution and find out how Graphinet can help you increase your online website sales with proven WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA strategies, Contact us today.

best web design companies sri lanka Search Engine Optimisation

Make your website visible with effective WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA

Our search engine optimization (WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA) services are created to enhance visibility in the search results ((“naturally”, “organicically”, or “free”)) to drive quality and targeted traffic to your website.

We’ve created success stories even the most competitive markets.

Effective WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA rockets up traffic to your website by increasing its visibility in search engines from organic searches. Main Objective of the WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA is to help the search engines index your website and help people know your business when they enter keywords (or phrases) in the search engines. For example, if you are a Café Coffee Shop but your website does not include the word coffee in it then the search engine will not know your business which is to serve coffee. Hence Search engines will not be able to index your website.

An effective WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA results in better search engine rankings for your website followed by increase in web traffic and lead conversions. This helps you to derive more ROI and adds to your business growth.

We at Graphinet solutions always come up with new innovative business solutions to promote business of our clients and thus optimizing our client profits. This has also added to our WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA business growth and increased our credibility in online business.

Do you want to unravel the secrets of our business success?

web development companies in sri lanka Secrets of our business success lie in our business approach

  • >> Defining ,researching and discovering organic customer searches from inquiry to conversion
  • >> Identifying the keyword ranking requirements
  • >> Build a perfect and successful WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA Strategy for targeted keywords to get better WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA rankings for the website
  • >> Correct execution of On-Site and Off Site methods of website optimization
  • >> Frequent evaluation of your defined business objectives and regular monitoring & documentation of the success rate of WEB DESIGN SRI LANKA campaigns

Come and be a part of our business because we are treading the same path that leads to business success. Let us work together and become successful brands in online business.


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RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN Top Web design sri lanka company

Responsive web design is web technology developed considering how a website can be viewed on different types of devices available in the market. Responsive web design helps to view single website in different designs which is automatically adjust according to device screen size & orientation.

The priority of any website is to provide good user experience to visitors & help them to provide content they are looking for. Responsive web design helps the business to capture & convert traffic for your product or service on every device.

Benefits of responsive web design

Cost effective:

Responsive website design eliminates the immediate need of a mobile application or mobile website for the business website. One website design fits on all devices so no need of maintaining two separate websites. Top Web design sri lanka company This results in reducing application development & website maintenance cost.


It is easier to crawl mobile friendly website pages for Google search engine crawlers. If your website is mobile-friendly then Google mention in its search result. Having mobile-friendly website can drastically reduce bounce rate as well. Responsive web design is always an additional advantage for your business to gain a competitive edge.

Mobile Features:

In responsive web design, you can add mobile specific features web design company sri lanka, which help to boost conversion. E.g. Opt-in form can be replaced with a direct call button, which is easy for any visitor to make a direct call instead of filling-up an enquiry form.

Control on content:

web design company sri lanka Content can be displayed as per priority according to device type & orientation. Adjustment in design helps to let visitors focus on the content of their interest.





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